Single Mothers
March 15, 2011 Single Mom Tells about Using Donor Sperm from Fairfax Cryobank: Some woman in their 30's decide they really want to be a mother, even if they have not found that life partner. Hear one woman's story on how she made the choice, became pregnant and is now raising her son. She'll talk about her decision and the support group she attends. Morning Blend NBC News Milwaukee, WI See the video here.

Choosing to have a child as a single woman is a big decision, and although exciting, can be a bit overwhelming. Many of our clients have chosen to be single mothers and they have shown us what we can do to be as sensitive as possible to the special needs of a single mother. We encourage you to read some of their testimonials below which demonstrate the quality of our service. Our Client Services staff is exceptional and will make every effort to understand your unique situation. We also offer other services that assist in the donor selection process. The links below will lead you to helpful resources and services you might consider.
Fairfax Family Forums: Come share, connect and ask your questions. Also join your donor's private group once you have had a child.
Donor Selection Consultation: Helpful one-on-one consultation if you need extra assistance in finding the right donor. This service can be extremely helpful if there is not a partner at home to discuss possible choices.
Photo Match Service: Match your donor’s appearance to a photo of someone, e.g. partner, friend, actor, etc.
Share your Story: Let us know about you. Your story, posted anonymously, may be put on our website to help other families.
Testimonials from single women:
“I made a pact with myself that if I was single or not married by the time I was 36, I would go the donor route. It has always been a dream of mine to become a mother, more than anything. I have a motherly, care giving instinct and wanted to have a baby to take care of and love. In terms of conceiving, it was a long, difficult road for me. After 4 unsuccessful IUI's, I decided to have an IVF. My first IVF ended up a "chemical pregnancy" which was very heartbreaking to me. It was as though someone snatched my happiness away from me. I did not give up my dream, though! I went on to have another IVF. I was elated and on cloud nine when I found out that I was pregnant! I now have a healthy, beautiful baby girl named Hannah Marie. I want to thank my donor for becoming a donor, she is just the perfect bundle of joy!” –A.M.H., Virginia
“My dream in life was to have a child someday. With the assistance of Fairfax Cryobank, I was able to make this reality come true. After only two months of Artificial Insemination, I became pregnant. Nine months later, I had a happy, healthy little boy to love and cherish for the rest of my life. “–J.W., Ohio
“I want to thank Fairfax Cryobank, who has made an incredible difference in my life. I am now blessed with two children: boy/girl twins. I never thought I would be sitting here today as a mother of two toddlers. My life is wonderful. Thank you! -A.L.P., Texas
“I became pregnant 10/25/05; I delivered my daughter on 06/01/06 at 34 weeks. I would like to thank all parties involved, especially my donor, for making this happen because my daughter is my miracle baby. I may try for baby number two when my donor’s sperm is available again.” –B.C., Maryland.
“I'm a single mom living in Australia with my son, who is just about three years old. Having my son was made possible because of the generosity of the donor, the assistance of my doctors, and the professionalism of Fairfax. Four years ago when I decided that I wanted to be a mother on my own, my family, friends and I explored many options; finally, we decided that having my child with the help of a donor was my preferred path. In making this choice, it was very important for me to understand as much as possible about the donor, not only to assist me in choosing the “right one,” but also for my child and the future questions he might have about his biological father. The depth and breadth of information you have on your donors, from the childhood photo of our donor (which we have on our refrigerator), to his detailed family medical history, the decision to use Fairfax was easy. Thank you, to your staff, and to the donor who helped bring an amazing little boy into our lives. We cannot imagine our lives without him.” –T.J.U., Australia
Resources links for Single Mothers:
Single Mothers by Choice
Single Mothers by Choice or Chance
Books of Interest:
Single Mothers by Choice: A Guidebook for Single Women Who Are Considering ...
by Jane Mattes - 1994 - 272 pages
A handbook for the growing number of women who have chosen single motherhood offers a helpful analysis of available options.
Single by Chance, Mothers by Choice: How Women are Choosing Parenthood
by Rosanna Hertz - 2006 - 304 pages
This book provides concrete, informative answers to many questions.
Unsung Heros: Single Mothers and the American Dream
by Ruth Sidel - 2006
Ruth Sidel's 2006 book is an important attempt to dispel the pervasive negative stereotypes of the single mother by presenting personal stories that defy these preconceived images.
Single Mothers in International Context: Mothers Or Workers?
by Simon Duncan, Rosalind Edwards - 1997 - 285 pages
This collection explores the variations in the status of single mothers, focusing on the dominant discourses around single motherhood, state policies towards single mothers, the structure of the labour market at national and local levels, and neighbourhood supports and constraints.
Going Solo: Single Mothers by Choice
by Jean Renvoize - 1985 - 318 page
Do I Have a Daddy?: A Story about a Single-Parent Child
by Jeanne Warren Lindsay - 1999
Addressing single-parent families, this book helps kids (4-8yr old)with absent, deceased,
and unknown dads talk about and deal with this often difficult situation.